Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm Amazing, I Know.

Guess who's getting a Kindle for Christmas (or possibly early birthday/Christmas so she can have for the plane ride back to the States)?

That'd be me.


Unknown said...

NO WAY! here's to a successful campaign! Mom

Crystal said...

How did you manage that one?

Andi said...

Haha, I just planted the seed of the idea and then watered the idea ("You know, it'd be really great to read that on a Kindle." "Sure wish I had my Bible on a Kindle..." etc.) and Voila! My little Kindle plant has grown. Helps that Matty knows he'll be missing a birthday and Christmas and this would be an easy gift to give. I'm not 100% sure I will follow through with it, but it's good to know I have the option.