Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Have Dog -- Will Travel?

We were told, at first, that if Molly was up to date on her vaccines, it would be no problem to get her to Okinawa. We were handed a page and a half time line on what to do. It seemed really simple. Not so.

After all of this headache, I think I have a grasp on how to get a dog to Japan (although I could very well be wrong; it has been known to happen).
Seven and half months out:
-Get her chipped. If you want to make your military vet cranky (it doesn't take much, folks), get both the Domestic and International chips. Molly has both.
-After the chipping, get the first round of the Rabies vaccine.
Six and half months:
-Get the second round of the Rabies vaccine. And get it done with a Military vet so it is verified by the USDA. Apparently, no one else knows how to do this.
Six months:
-Get a FAVN test. I don't really know what this is, but once it's clear, the six months of quarantine begin. From what I've been told, if you get this six months before you leave, once you get there, you can take your pup right on home with you.

This, of course, is not how it went down with Molly.

We were really lackadaisical about getting things done. A page and a half of instructions? We got it, no problem! We got her double-chipped about six months out at a civilian vet, as our instructions said. Four months to go and after a minor move to Virginia Beach, I took our girl to an Army vet. Twenty-four pages of instructions and one very cranky vet later later, I realized this this was no small thing and Molly would have to spend at least three months under quarantine in Japan. [Insert Charlie Brown-style "ARGH!" here]

To further our problem, the weekend before her second Rabies shot, our car breaks. I call to reschedule. The closest appointment available: three weeks from now. No kidding. This really is so much fun.