Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Professional Administrative Assistant.

Not exactly what I planned to do with my life, but really, I don't think I could tell you that I DID plan to do anything with my life.

I am going to a three day class in June to earn a Professional Administrative Assistant Certification. This will look good on resumes when I get back to the U.S. And thus, my fate as a secretary is sealed.


Crystal said...

Just last week was National Administrative Professionals Day!! Write in that your planner for next year.

Andi said...

Yeah, I knew it was because I overheard my boss talking about it and how she wasn't going to celebrate it this year. Awesome, right?

Unknown said...

that's OK. a smart boss knows how often their admin. assistants save their butts, and are grateful.
Something you and your sister can commiserate on....

Unknown said...

we got stuck going ot cracker barrel for Admin Asst...the whole staff
I'd rather have skipped it.
I didn't plan on this either...what the heck happened to us that we got sucked in? ;)