Saturday, April 4, 2009

American Idol Theorizations.

So let me just get this all out in one post and I'll try not to mention it for the rest of the season.

No one is as good as David Cook. He was my first season's pick and my first season's winner. I adore him. If I met him, I would probably drool a little. Probably a lot. Let's just hope he never Googles his name to find obscure blogs that mention his name. Awkward. Moving on.

I like Anoop. I think I've mention that before. He dresses exactly like my husband. Before the Idols ogt the use of a stylist, I could go into Matt's closet and find nearly identical items to what Anoop wore each week. I am not joking, nor do I find it funny. We call him "Indian Matt," which I do find pretty funny.

I like Allison Iraheta. More than I liked Amanda Overmyer last season. I think Al will make it to top 5, barring some terrible song choice/terrible voice choice. Or another terrible wardrobe choice.

Matt Giraud, Kris Allen: same boat. Good enough, but not so much my style. Kris is cute and will probably have a record out in the next year.

Hmm... Who's left? Meh, I don't really care.

I hope David Cook will be back at the finale and postpones a couple more shows to September so I have a chance to go see him when I'm stateside again. And of course, keep his family in your prayers at this time.

EDIT: What I really meant to say about this is: Top Five - Gokey, Lambert, Lil, Kris and Allison.

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