Friday, October 10, 2008

Two things:

1. On Wednesday, I did childcare for a program put on dear Stacee. Six toddlers, a four year old, me and Suz for almost six hours. At the end I just looked at Suzanne and said, "I don't think I will be doing this ever again." Today, Stacee called and said there was such a positive response to our childcare that someone wanted to book us for their event. !!! Well, I said thank you very much, but once was enough for the experience. Ooooh, toddlers. I will try to just have one at a time.

2. Last night, Stacee and I went to the Pacific Okinawa Player's production of Ragtime. I loved it. Had to concentrate really hard not to cry during the opening number, thinking, "Ah, yes, this is why I did theatre in college. This is why I have that degree on my wall." They looking for volunteers and I am looking for something to do with my time. Perfect match? Perhaps, yes.


Unknown said...

perhaps my butt! Go be theatrical! :D

Unknown said...

Aren't you glad your sister is SO supportive?! What a busy, and fun day. MOM