Saturday, August 14, 2010


Hi The Facebook Team,
Yeah, I know.  Remember how you made me take, like, 18 unnecessary steps to do so?  And yes, I would like to be able to use the site like I used to... six or so years ago when I signed up and it was a wall and open only to people in my generation.  And there was no Farmville or MobLand or suggesting friends to other people.  Remember when I could write whatever I wanted as my interests and they didn't have to link to a "Page."  I'd like to use the site like that.
Fare thee well and thanks for 6 years of addiction,


Crystal said...

You do make an excellent argument here. However, that just means you'll have to email me more!

Andi said...

You know I will.

Unknown said...

Huzzah. Your english teacher would be proud of your "fare thee well" let's throw in " a pox on your house" to Facebook, too.