Friday, April 4, 2008

Almost done?

Well, we got Molly's second round of Rabies without incident (probably due to a different vet). I would like to note that if your dog is less than a year old at the time of his or her second rabies vaccination, you have to wait 30 days until you can get the FAVn test done. Not two weeks. Fortunately, the nice vet fudged Molly's birthday by two days. Whew. Crisis #1847594 averted.

Yesterday, we got the FAVn taken care of and it was back to the mean vet. Boo. He jabbed my dog about five times looking for the vein and then blamed me because I was trying to calm my dog. He also whined again about Molly having two micro chip. Needless to say, by the end of the en minute visit, I was ready to smack him. You would think a vet would have to at least like dogs. I really don't think this guy does.

As far as I can tell, now we just have to fill out some paper work, wait for the FAVn to come back, and get a health certificate ten days before we leave. Which is coming up soon. I hope to still be sane when that day gets here. I can make no promises.

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