Saturday, November 7, 2009

Things that I Read Every Day.

-All the Facebook status updates I can stand (good thing I only have 113 friends).
-As much Yahoo news as I can get away with at work.
-Annie's Blog
-The Happiness Project
-All of my e-mails (even if I don't always respond to them).
-Job postings on island.
-Working on reading my Bible everyday.


hootenannie said...

I love that I made the list. :)

I mailed your EP on Tuesday - I wonder how long it will take to get to you?? Thank you SO much for ordering one!

Andi said...

I am so excited to get it! I've been listening to a few of the songs you've posted and they are so lovely. You have such a beautiful way with words!

Usually, regular mail from the States takes about 10 days. Some fancy big things can take up to two months, but I think a CD should be here quickly. I'll let you know when I get it. SO excited.