Monday, October 26, 2009

Adventures in Doggie Sitting.

As most of you know, I am dogsitting Molly's best friend Tea (think Tea Leoni, but I can't get the accent over the "e" properly). Have you ever seen two dogs who look cuter together?

I doubt it.

Anyway, Tea has a lot of toys. These toys end up all over the house. There is one particular bunny that she takes up to bed every night and brings back down every morning. For whatever reason, yesterday, bunny didn't make it all the way downstairs. And it really creeped me out.

I didn't set the bunny like that. I know neither Molly nor Tea have opposable thumbs to set the bunny in such a manner. Sitting so perfectly. Possibly having a conversation with a ghostly bunny counterpart. Bunny looks so interested in what Ghost Bunny might be saying. CreeeEEepy....

Maybe I've been watching too much Halloween TV.


Unknown said...

Looks like it belongs on Island of the Dolls, lol

Unknown said...

The bunny, i meant, not the cute doggies:)

Andi said...

Ick! I don't even want to think about those dolls. So awful.