Monday, September 6, 2010

X is for XXX (that's 30, you pervert).

(I wouldn't have thought of this if it weren't for the fact that I own Chicago XXX, which is really just another tribute to my parents being the best parents ever...)


Today my parents are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary - WOW!  I can't help just saying WOW! when I think about it.  Thirty years, two amazing kids, I don't even want to try to tally how many moves...  And they are still going strong.  I love it and I know just how very, very lucky I am.  I can't wait to see them in a few weeks when they come to visit and we can celebrate together

My mom is probably he only person who reads this blog daily, so go ahead and wish my parents a happy anniversary (and please don't mention that it is also my dad's 50th birthday).

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad Pascoe!