Thursday, February 19, 2009


Oh, finally! An actual performance episode of AI. It was like I was home again... Indian Matt certainly kept up his part of the bargain and I thought was fantastic. Whatshername who sang Taylor Swift confused me... Were we back in auditions? Truly horrible. My call? Anoop, Gokey and, as much as I hate to say it, Tatiana the Crazy. For as much crazy as she has, she has a killer voice. We'll see how it goes in a few hours.

I definitely have a SpongeBob band aid on. I bought them to lure kids at the center into being my friend. Creepy, no?


Unknown said...

Band aid dilemma....yes, it's creepy, but it was for the right reason. There are now tattoo band aids....for the homie in you. Remember your dad wearing the Sesame Street band aids in his squadron?!! Haha. Love you, miss you. MOM

Unknown said...

I wanna know if they're tattoos by Ami or Chris :)
Still peeved about how TLC screwed the boys over and now we're without a Miami ink