Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm back. Or here, at least.

Obviously, I blame this lack of blog posts on Gmail's decision to remove their Blogger link. This was supposed to be all about ease for me. We all know that if it isn't easy, I probably won't do it. Washing my face before bed being a case and point. (Case in point?)

Another lot of blame is to be placed on the holiday season and the following season of sickness. I went to more parties than I care to remember last month and, of course, came down with strep earlier this month. Oh well, it's all behind me now.

Work is depressingly routine. It keeps me busy, gets me out of the house and give me people to talk to. All things I have been known to shrivel up without. It pays well and affords my shopping habits. Though eventually, I will be looking for something more.

While I thought my love for American Idol would be quelled with this season's lack of David Cook, I was intensely wrong. We are not yet done with auditions and I am already rooting for Anoop Desai, who I choose to refer to as "Indian Matt." His audition outfit was standard Matt issue summer wear. Long sleeve button up shirt and khaki cargos. Check him out here: Good stuff. And not a plant like Joanna Pacitti. Boooooo.

Well, I will try to keep updating regularly. Hopefully Blogger isn't blocked on my work computer and I can update there. We'll see.


Unknown said...

Yahoo! Glad you had something good to write about. Miss the daily updates in real life. Get well, and keep Mattie well. too. What was the oddest Japanese Christmas mishap? MOM

Andi said...

Hmmm... oddest Japanese Christmas Mishap? Probably the Christmas Eve Party we went to when I pretty much fell asleep decorating cookies. And you know how much I love to decorate cookies.

Crystal said...

I watched my very first episode ever of American Idol tonight (SLC auditions). My fav part was how they just kept saying everyone was so nie and happy there and commenting on the mountain air, beautiful outdoors, etc. Umm...yea, I'm sure that's what it is.