I started thinking about Easter about two months ago. I asked my husband what he wanted to do. "Go to Church." Not having any of the single guys over. "No, we're just going to church." No ham? No eggs? "No. Why? We'll just go to church."
Fine. I resigned myself to a non-celebration, but I could not accept a lack of ham. I would check in about once a week, just to be sure. Not even a ham? "No. Church."
So, you can understand my frustration when, after coming home from the commissary (with a mini-ham) Matt tells me, "I invited some single guys over for Easter dinner." Oooh, for Pete's sake.
I am making as many baked goods as I can to show Matt he can invite people last minute, but he can't stop me from making cupcakes. And ham (I got two mini-hams).
I know you will have an excellent day. You must know by now that Mattie can't think 2 months in advance....he's a live by the seat of your pants guy. That's why you love him. Have fun, make those cupcakes and that ham, and have a lovely Easter. MOM
If anyone shows up in seersucker, I think you know what your duty is....
I'm sure you'll do great getting things ready...I'm sure the single guys appreciate that you try to make good holidays for them despite their distance from home.
I'm proud of you for that!
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