Thursday, October 30, 2008


Well, the big news is NOT that I am pregnant, because I am not and do not plan to be for a while, but that I found a job. Finally. After being unemployed what feels like forever.

I will be an administrative assistant at the School Age Care Center two minutes from our house. I'm not sure exactly when I start because in-processing is intense. I will, of course, keep you updated.

Also, David Cook's new album comes out on November 18th so you should buy it and not David Archuleta's album that comes out Noevember 11th. Unless you want to listen to crappy music. I can guarantee that David Cook's album will rock.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome to the world of Admin Assts! I was one for two months until HR in it's old SA way told everyone that that makes me Secretary I...The SA does not have Admin Assts:P
Mostly i edit Mrs. V's school papers and answer the phone lol.