I had my meeting with the Internal Medicine doc today and there is some good news and some bad news. Bad news first.
It really doesn't look like I'll be getting a pump here in Okinawa. There is no Endocrinologist here, and that would be the guy who would get that taken care of. But, on my next visit to the States, I can go to an Endo and get it all started. We'll see.
The good news?
Not only were all of my tests super spectacular, my HbA1C test came back at 5.8%. To put it in perspective for my non-Diebos: The American Diabetes Association suggests that diabetics keep their A1C around 7%. Non-diabetics would have an A1C of between 3.5% and 5.5%. I'm not sure I've ever been so proud of myself. Even more of a reason to have a real blow out of a party this year at my 5th DiaBirthday. I'm pretty ecstatic, even with the non-pump news. Wooo!
Dear Dia-babe--
I am so glad to hear about the improvement in your "LMNOP-123ness".
You are doing just fine, even all the moving, and upheaval of a worldwide tour....AWESOME GOD. MOM
I'm so proud of you!! Remind me of the date and perhaps we can have a virtual party with lots of cake and cookies and soda! Oh man, remember that time we had the blood sugar testing party and put bets on what everyone's would be? haha
Good news, but then what else should I expect from my trooper.
Nanna likes your hair. Keep up the good work. all our love,
Gramps & Nanna
You are the Insulin queen!
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